Meet Janel


Janel Wetzel, LMSW, CTP is a Clinical Therapist who specializes in childhood trauma, specifically sexual violence occurring during childhood. Janel received her Master’s Degree in Social Work from Wayne State University. She is also a Certified Trauma Professional.

EMDR Therapy

Janel is trained in EMDR Therapy, also known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. This is a therapeutic technique used to eliminate the negative feelings associated with past traumatic events. EMDR Therapy is successful at helping get rid of the emotional pain caused by the trauma, which could include painful memories, phobias, PTSD, anxiety, and so much more.

Animal Assisted Therapy

Janel also includes Animal Assisted Therapy as a huge component of her therapeutic approach. Having a furry friend in session has so many benefits! It automatically decreases anxiety and depression; reduces loneliness; releases calming endorphins; and the simple act of petting a dog can produce similar effects of medication used for relaxation. Plus, the sound of his snoring and his silly quirks will certainly bring laughter during sessions as well!

Janel is a Certified Trauma Professional. With this certification, Janel is qualified to successfully evaluate traumatic stress, grief and loss from a biochemical, psychological, & social perspective to create unique treatment plans to each client’s specific traumas. She is knowledgeable in effective interventions and modalities, as well as the application of theoretical treatment models to maximize the clients personal growth and healing.


In her freetime, Janel loves being in her garden. From vegetables and herbs to beautiful plants and flowers, Janel is constantly tending to her garden during the warm months. She enjoys using the fresh veggies and herbs to create big meals for family and friend.

If she’s not in the garden, you can find Janel sitting on a beach in Northern Michigan with her husband and dog. She loves exploring Michigan and all of the beauty it has to offer!

For additional information, you can check out Janel’s page on Psychology Today or on Instagram!