
Individual Therapy: Individual Psychotherapy is a process between a therapist and a person where one is able to receive support and guidance during a difficult time. A treatment plan and goals are created to improve the client’s quality of life.

Trauma-Informed Therapy: Trauma-Informed Therapist understands how trauma can impact a person in many aspects and incorporates this knowledge into treatment.

Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR): EMDR is an evidence-based intervention used to help individuals heal and grow from past experiences and traumas, as well as other psychological conditions such as anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, and more.

Support Groups & Workshops: Survivors come together to empower, support, and share their experiences. These groups provide a safe space for healing, growth, and transformation. Through activities, journal prompts, discussions, & hand-outs, learn you are not alone.

Animal Assisted Therapy: Animal Assisted Therapy is an intervention that includes animals into the treatment plan. Animals in a therapeutic setting have the ability to automatically lower anxiety, reduce depression, and increase oxytocin and dopamine levels.

Crisis Counseling: Crisis Counseling is a specialized approach to helping individuals restore their sense of control during times of distress or chaos.