Learn More: Survivors Empowerment Support Group FAQs

Joining a support group can feel intimidating, and that’s completely understandable. Because of this, I wanted to share more about the four-week psychoeducational support group I’m hosting for adult women survivors of childhood sexual abuse starting on March 17th, 2025.

To help ease any concerns, I’ve put together some of the most common questions I receive about the group. Hopefully, this gives you a better idea of what to expect and helps you feel more comfortable about taking the next step!

What is this group all about?

This group offers a supportive space for adult women survivors of childhood sexual abuse to learn, connect, and heal. Over the course of four weeks, we’ll explore:

  • Common reactions to trauma
  • How past experiences show up in adulthood
  • Coping strategies to manage symptoms

Each session is a mixture between short presentations, maybe 10-15 minutes about trauma responses, coping skills, & other relevant topics, followed by open discussion. This is where you can share your thoughts, ask questions, or just listen- whatever level of participation that feels right for you! Again, there is no expectation or pressure for you to share any part of your history. The focus is on learning, gaining support, and feeling empowered in your healing journey.

“I’m nervous about joining!” and “What if I feel overwhelmed or need extra support?”

Feeling nervous is completely normal, and you’re not alone in that! This group is designed to support you at your own pace. If at any point you feel overwhelmed, it’s okay to take a step back. You can turn your camera off or step away for a few minutes. There’s no pressure to participate beyond what feels comfortable for you.

If you need extra support, I’m always available to help—whether that’s during a session or in a one-on-one conversation outside of the group. The most important thing is that you feel safe, comfortable, and supported during this time.

What have past participants said about the group?

Many past participants have expressed relief in finally connecting with others who truly understand. One person even described it as “finding others on a deserted island”—it felt so comforting to know she wasn’t alone anymore.

Participants have shared that they love the welcoming and no-pressure environment, the empowering discussions, and the practical coping tools they’ve gained. Overall, it’s a space where people feel heard, supported, and less isolated.

Can this group continue beyond the four weeks?

Yes! If there’s enough interest and commitment from participants, there’s a possibility of continuing the group on a biweekly or monthly basis for ongoing support and connection.

Is this group confidential?

Yes! Confidentiality is a top priority. What is shared in the group stays in the group, and everyone is expected to respect each other’s privacy.

How many people will be in the group?

To maintain a safe and intimate environment, the group will be kept small—typically between 6 to 10 participants.

Who is leading the group?

I’m Janel Wetzel, a trauma therapist specializing in working with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. I have over 10 years of experience working with survivors in various settings. I’m a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, trained in EMDR therapy, and deeply passionate about Internal Family Systems therapy. When I’m not working with clients, I’m chasing around my two children, spending time with my husband, and enjoying big family dinners with friends and loved ones.

Interested in joining?

These are just a few of the questions I often hear, but if you have any others, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

If you’re interested in signing up, email me at Janel@LovingCircleCounseling.com.

This group was created for the community—because when 38% of adult women have experienced childhood sexual abuse, groups like these are truly needed.

You are worth it.

Why Attend Support Groups For Childhood Trauma

Have you ever felt like your trauma has kept you from opening up to others? Fearful of being judged, pitied, or treated differently based on your past life experiences? You’ve learned that not everyone is supportive or accepting of your past so you keep your pain to yourself, hidden from the world. Because of this, you struggle with feeling real emotions, genuine connection with others, and true intimacy.

You are not alone in feeling this way, but there is hope. Imagine being surrounded by loving women who see you for who you are, not what happened to you. They support you, listen to you, and empathize with you in a way like never before because they too experienced unthinkable pain in their childhood.

Support groups can offer this space of peace and empowerment; knowledge and acceptance; validation and support. Survivors can come together to empower one another; share similar experiences; and relate to thoughts and feelings you’ve kept secret for so many years. The many benefits of support groups can be transformative, empowering, and life-altering.

Realize You’re Not Alone

You might not have to read much further after this first reason! Who else loves solidarity?! The ability to connect with others on issues that have developed as a result of our childhood trauma can be transformative in our healing process. Knowing that others have spent time wondering the same thoughts you have and feeling the same emotions you did after all these years is comforting. These are normal, common reactions to childhood trauma… and here’s proof!

Build A Community Of Strong Women

After realizing the members in the group have also experienced similar pain, you are more likely to open up and connect on a deeper level than ever before. This allows us to be seen for who we are and not for what happened to us. You are more than your trauma, and this community recognizes and accepts that.

Learn Helpful Information

Grounding techniques, coping skills, and psychoeducation are incredibly helpful tools to have on our healing journey. What better way to learn these than from people who have found their results effective firsthand. Learn from other resilient women how they manage unwanted emotions, anxiety, and PTSD triggers. Licensed facilitators are there to teach psychoeducation as it relates to your abuse as well. Knowledge is power!

Express Feelings

Wait, what are feelings? We’ve learned after all these years the importance of denying any feelings from coming to the surface. We force them to stay trapped in a small box with multiple padlocks in the back of our mental closets. Not anymore! Support groups have a way of empowering participants to access those feelings and to express them in the comfort of their peers. Remember, you are not alone. Odds are, the feelings you are expressing, your community of strong survivor women you just met can most likely relate in one way or another.

Gain hope

Support groups host participants from all stages of the healing process. Some women have started their journey years ago, while others are just beginning. This is the beauty of a support group. We can learn from our safe and extraordinary group of magical women by seeing and hearing firsthand that life can get be better. There is hope, and they are proof.

What do you have to lose? Not only can you learn from other survivors, but you have a lot to offer as well. You are a survivor. This alone deserves to be shouted from the rooftops. With this title you have joined a club you did not ask to be a part of. However, let’s take the power back and make this club something powerful, influential, and kick-ass. You have been through hell and back. It’s time for you to do something for yourself and for your personal growth.

If you are interested in joining the Survivors Empowerment Group for womxn survivors of childhood sexual abuse, please check out the Support Groups page. You will find more detailed information about the group, as well as the link to register. Once you have completed the Survivors Empowerment Group then you are eligible for the Life After Childhood Sexual Abuse support group for continued support. For further information, contact Janel Wetzel, LMSW.